Scepticisme scientifique

Episode #449: La réalité virtuelle

Jean Michel Abrassart et Jérémy Royaux discutent de la Réalité Virtuelle et de ses applications ludiques et professionnelles.
Références scientifiques citées pendant l’épisode :

What Players of Virtual Reality Exercise Games Want: Thematic Analysis of Web-Based Reviews.
The Influence of Forest Resting Environments on Stress Using Virtual Reality.
Virtual reality exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD): a meta-analysis.
Automated psychological therapy using immersive virtual reality for treatment of fear of heights: a single-blind, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial.
Stereotype Threat in Virtual Learning Environments: Effects of Avatar Gender and Sexist Behavior on Women’s Math Learning Outcomes.

Virtual reality triage training can provide comparable simulation efficacy for paramedicine students compared to live simulation-based scenarios.
Inferiority or Even Superiority of Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy in Phobias?-A Systematic Review and Quantitative Meta-Analysis on Randomized Controlled Trials Specifically Comparing the Efficacy of Virtual Reality Exposure to Gold Standard in vivo Exposure in Agoraphobia, Specific Phobia, and Social Phobia.

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